… Nous avons grandement apprécié le travail que Dendroica Environnement et Faune a accompli depuis 2005 sur les parulines en péril de l'Outaouais, pour le compte du Service canadien de la faune. La confirmation de la nidification de la Paruline hochequeue dans le Parc de la Gatineau en 2006 puis en 2007 représente non seulement une première au Québec, mais a sans doute contribué à sensibiliser les autorités du Parc à l'importance de mettre en place des mesures concrètes afin de sauvegarder ce rarissime oiseau en péril. Nous avons notamment apprécié la qualité des données colligées par ton entreprise, Dendroica Environnement et Faune, ainsi que le détail alloué à la production des figures et tableaux des rapports que tu nous as remis.

Nous souhaitons donc que Dendroica Environnement et Faune collaborera encore à l'étude et à la sauvegarde des oiseaux en péril du Québec, et nous te prions d'agréer l'expression de nos sentiments les meilleurs.

Michel Robert et François Shaffer

Biologistes aux espèces en péril

Service canadien de la faune d'Environnement Canada

1141, route de l'Église, C.P. 10100

Québec, QC, G1V 4H5

Dendroica Environnement et Faune performed a state of the art analysis in a timely and efficient manner on forest bird data collected by Canadian Wildlife Service staff in a candidate protected in the Mackenzie Valley of the Northwest Territories. Dendroica, although a southern based compay, through their previous northern work demonstrated excellent knowledge of the boreal forest ecosystem. The results of this analysis were clearly presented along with an identification of the limitations of the data along and a thorough interpretation of the results within those limitations. Dendroica provided excellent follow-up after submission of the final report and subsequent questions from CWS. We would not hesitate to contract Dendroica for any future work of this nature.'

Paul Latour

Habitat biologist

Canadian Wildlife Service, Prairies and northern regions

#301, 5204-50th Avenue

Yellowknife, NT, X1A 1E2

Dendroïca Environnement et Faune has won two large, competitively bid contracts for bird survey work in the Northwest Territories in the past few years. The work was in remote areas with complex logistical considerations, very early working hours, and with strict protocol requirements. Mr. Savignac and his crews organized, conducted, and completed the work and reporting for both contracts on or under budget and on schedule with excellent results. Protocols were followed, and reporting and follow-up were first rate. In my 10 years of managing contracts, Mr. Savignac is among the best for producing excellent results on time.

In addition, Dendroïca Environnement et Faune has also been sole-source contracted for scientific analyses and writing of the caliber required for peer-reviewed scientific journals. Mr. Savignac was ably capable of this level of work and continuously met milestones. Of particular note was Mr. Savignac’s openness to constructive criticism and editing during this process, which quickly led to a superior product that was published ahead of schedule.

Craig Machtans

Forest bird biologist

Canadian Wildlife Service, Prairies and northern regions

#301, 5204-50th Avenue

Yellowknife, NT,   X1A 1E2

Dendroica Envrionnement et Faune carried out bird point count surveys and nocturnal amphibian surveys in support of a wildlife monitoring initiative at Cluff Lake, Saskatchewan.  Carl Savignac’s logistical and professional skills as well as his ability to cooperate with client personnel were exemplary.  All aspects of the contract exceeded expectations.

Douglas M. Collister

P.Eng., M.E.Des., P.Biol.

President and Consulting Biologist

Accipiter Ecological Management

3426 Lane Cr SW

Calgary, AB,  T3E 5X2

Dendroica Environnement et Faune | 2015 | Dendroica | Tous droits réservés.